Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Monday, 1 October 2018

Past Simple Exercises

1.Complete the sentences with the affirmative form of the Past Simple.

  1. Daniel …………………..(write) a letter from England.
  2. Why didn't she come to the party? Her mother …………. (let) her go!
  3. We………...(feel) better after the exam.
  4. They………….(fly) across the country to see the concert.
  5. Aren't there any pancakes left? No, there aren't. Mum………….(freeze) them last night.
  6. Did they win the match? No, they didn't. The other team……….(win). One player …………...(hit) his head and had to …………...(quit) the game.
  7. What did you do yesterday? I ……………..(go) to the beach and when I ……………..(come) back home I…………...(do) my homework.
  8. Did she give you anything for lunch? Yes, she………….(give) me a sandwich.
  9. Where did you learn English? I……………...(learn) English at school.
  10. Did you bring your homework? No, I didn't. I ………………….(forget) them at my grandmother's house. But I………………...(bring) some of Grandma's cookies.

2. Complete the sentences with the affirmative form of the Past Simple.

  1. I ……………….. (make) a very nice present for my father. I…………...(cut) out a paper heart and………………. (attach) it to a piece of red cardboard. It …………...(look) very nice. I………………..(listen) carefully but I couldn't hear what he………...( say).
  2. She……………...(remember) that song when he……………..(start) to sing it. And then she…………….( sing) it too.
  3. A girl is hurt. She ……………...(fall) from the stairs. She ………………..(shout) a lot but nobody ………………….(hear) her because the windows were closed. When her mother…………...(open) the door, she ………………..( find) the girl crying.
  4. Maria ………………...(lie) to me. She …………...(tell) me that her father was sick but it……….. (be) not true. She ………………..(hurt) my feelings because I ……………..(trust) her.
  5. I ………….(take) some tennis lessons. I…………… (play) for six months and I ……………..(like) it a lot. Then I ………….( sell) my racket because I ………………….(start) doing other sports.

Friday, 13 April 2018

tongue twisters in 1 ESO

We have been creating and saying tongue twisters in the class. This is part of our work.

Eleven elves licked eleven little lollipops.
Roberto Fuentes

An ant can't want a fast man.
Leticia Rodríguez

In the armchair there is a chair and on the chair there is a butterfly.
José Antonio Marín

There is a boy in the bank of the park eating a snack while he smacks a shark with a mask.
Julia Expósito

Thursday, 22 February 2018

How to create a tongue twister

We are going to create tongue twisters in 3 steps.

1.Play with words. Write a list words that are difficult to pronounce and a list of words with similar sounds.

2.Tell a story: link the words in a way that they make sense together.
3.Try starting with a name. 

Start with a person's name, and then come up with a sentence that tells a short story about them. Answer these questions:
  • Where did this person go?
  • What did this person do?
  • When did this person do this thing or go to this place?
  • Why did this person do this thing?
You can take into account:
1. Play with repetition: Put together a group of words that begin with the same consonant sound and repeat them quickly.Example: "Shelley sells seashells by the seashore."

2. Use consonance: Try to put the consonant sounds together in quick succession. Example: "Shelley sells seashells by the seashore."

3. Use assonance: repeat the same vowel sound in a sequence of words, the the words can begin with different consonant sounds. It gives a musical effectto the sentence. " Men sell the wedding bells."
You can

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Love calligrams: happy Valentine's Day to everyone.

You asked me what I wanted to know about you
I answered everything you dream
I love  
Marina Quintas 3º ESO

I'm Going To Leave
José Manuel Carrasco 3º ESO

 Elena Ortiz 3º ESO

I Love You

My family
You are the only exception
I love you
Laura Morillo 3º ESO

Friday, 9 February 2018


We have been working on calligrams in the 3º PMAR group. All of you did a great work! I wish I could publish all your works (I will try).

I like eating apples. Mónica Mariño

I am fierce like a dog. Adrián Valle.