Friday, 12 May 2017

The fair of Saint Domingo de Guzmán

The fair of Saint Domingo de Guzmán, in Jauja, is around July or August (in summer), it lasts one week.
In that week, lots of people are in the street all day and all night too.
During the day, people go to pubs and cafés, and during the night, some people enjoy the attractions, and the rest are eating and dancing in the "caseta municipal" or municipal tent.
Thursday is the day of "Pescaito frito" or fried fish. In this day, all people stay in the "caseta" and eat fish. You pay for a drink and the fish is free.
There is a contest for people who wear "trajes de gitana" or gypsy costumes. The winner wins 100 euros.
In that fair, there is also a beauty contest for Miss and Mister, and they win money and a poster for themselves.

Lola Barba Romero
3º B

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