Thursday, 9 November 2017

Halloween Haikus in 1ºA-B

In my bigger house.
There's a terrifying ghost.
It's got a white face.
José Antonio Marín Navarro y Javier Morales Jiménez 1 A 

There are two spiders,
ghosts and bats and four pumpkins
in my haunted
Alba María Guillén Salgueiro and Ana Román González, 1º A and B.

I´m just a vampire,
look up in your neck, see it?
that you have bad dreams... 
Alberto Grande García y Celia Ortega León, 1ºA

-I'm Perfect Pumpking 
-Yes ,I like you , you're pretty
-Oh yes ,you made me .

Leticia Rodriguez Figueroa, 1ºA

Asking for candy
I have got two BOO ghosts
with two hanging bats.

Julia Domínguez e Iván Roldán

He has got big teeth
He loves to drink red blood
Which is the monster?
Roberto Gutiérrez (1°A) y Roberto Fuentes (1°B)

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